How to control the mind?

When we try to lose weight or try to discipline ourselves, we always get into cravings/habits. Cravings are nothing but a mental state, have nothing to do with our physical body requirements.

Let’s take an example to understand this. I was a coffee addict several years ago. I used to have coffee six times a day! Sometimes even more! I used to suffer from insomnia (main culprit was a over active mind and coffee helped this considerably). Due to insomnia I used to suffer depression. All beautifully linked to each other. So one night in desperation, I prayed feverishly that let my sleep become regular I will give up on something that is my favourite… Coffee!!! But was it easy? No! That started a big war between my mind and coffee…

Cravings in my mind worsened. Because I cannot drink when I wanted to. So to cut the temptation down I started with substitutes, mild tea, herbal tea, light drinks… slowly the cravings went away. Now I am out on a war with sweets. I have substituted the cravings with dates, figs, raisins… My mind now LISTENS TO LOGIC, not like before.

But the question arises is how to control the mind. When the cravings are in its highest form, do the best thing. Subsitute it. There is a substitute for everything. If TV is your addiction, substitute it. The cravings will go.

But most importantly, is to tell the mind to get lost. That’s where the mind should be viewed as a separate entity. So the mind should be told to quieten. TO LISTEN. TO BEHAVE. And who is going to tell the mind? OUR OWN INTELLECT.